Thomaston Inter‑Church Fellowship Food Pantry Helping Knox County People In Need Of Food |
If you or people you love are hungry, You Are Not Alone! We are your neighbors and we can help. We are open Tuesday and Thursday from 9 to 11 AM (except holidays) in Thomaston Lura Libby School (east entrance facing the business block), 13 Valley Street, 1st Floor to the left. When you come in, if you are a first time visitor, we will help you fill out our TIF Food Pantry form. We can approve the form at the same time. Anyone living in Knox County who meets the income requirements or who is facing an emergency situation and needs food is eligible.
We are a volunteer operation and will welcome the offer of your time.
Learn about Hunger How You Can Help Us Location
a fellowship of people helping people
Volunteers are welcome! Help us help others.